CS 373 Spring 2022: Saran Chockan Blog # 3

Saranjith Chockan
2 min readFeb 21, 2022
  1. What did you do this past week?

Last week, I took midterms for Theory of Interest and Chemistry. Most importantly, my partner and I finished the Ray Tracing project for Graphics on time! The rest of the week was completing weekly assignments for software engineering and theory of interest.

2. What’s in your way?

This week, I need to prepare for an Intro to Web Dev presentation I am going to give for the WiCS hackathon. My partner and I will be meeting up to do mock presentations. Then, I have a Graphics lab due this Friday. My SWE team and I will meeting often this week so that we can finish the project proposal on time. Other than that, I have weekly assignments such theory of interest homework, chemistry quizzes, and software engineering quizzes.

3. What will you do next week?

Next week, I will be presenting an Intro to Web Dev workshop for the WiCS hackathon. It will be a focus on the fundamentals of frontend development. Then, most of it will it be working on the Graphics Lab, working on SWE project proposal, and studying for chemistry quizzes.

4. What did you think of Paper #5: Single Responsibility Principle?

The paper was super interesting as I have not thought about designing systems in this manner. Although I doubt that these principles would have a huge impact on modern programming such as React and Apache Beam, I think it is still crucial for developers to keep principles like this in mind while writing scalable software.

5. What was your experience of types and recursion?

Understanding types and recursion is key to advance your understanding of programming languages and the fundamentals of data structures, stack, etc. These topics are extremely useful to get better at technical interviews. Types allow you to understand trade off of using one data structure over another and recursion allows you to write simple code.

6. What made you happy this week?

Our IM team for basketball won our first game last week! Also, since midterms are done, I was able to hang out a ton with my friends.

7. What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

Knowing how a package manager works is crucial for web development. Instead of blindly following npm install commands, knowing the fundamentals of npm/yarn, will allow you to develop software faster and avoid bugs in package management.

