CS 373 Spring 2022: Saran Chockan Blog # 3

Saranjith Chockan
2 min readFeb 14, 2022

1. What did you do this past week?

Last week was really busy! I spent a lot of time finishing up Collatz, especially on fixing the runtime error on the third HackerRank test and writing unit tests. Then, I had to prepare for Chemistry exam on Thursday. Other than that, I had the usual weekly assignments for my Theory of Interest class and lab for Graphics.

2. What’s in your way?

This week, I have an exam for Theory of Interest and quiz for Chemistry. Other than that, I just have the usual weekly assignments for Chemistry and Theory of Interest. Most importantly, I have a ray tracing lab due for Computer Graphics.

3. What will you do next week?

Next week, I will be spending a lot of time studying for my Theory of Interest and Chemistry exams. And, I will be meeting with my partner to complete the ray tracing lab for Computer Graphics. I will be preparing for the basketball game for IM.

4. What did you think of Paper #4: Pair Programming?

I really enjoyed reading the Pair Programming paper. Most of my best experiences working on labs from UT CS Courses are when I engage in collaborative coding with a partner. I highly believe that it leads to more productivity and hope that I get to engage in pair programming when I work in the industry.

5. What was your experience of exceptions and types?

During my internship last summer, exceptions were a huge part in handling the deployment of the pipeline I had to build. Types are extremely important in Python since type mishandling is very common in Python 2. I am glad that we went over these topics for Python since they are really helpful for writing quality code for real-world software.

6. What made you happy this week?

I went to the UT vs Kansas basketball game and we won! Super excited to watch the game against Texas Tech this Saturday.

7. What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

I highly recommend to know how to use vim. It is super useful when you are writing short scripts since it allows you to write and test it faster than using an IDE or configured text editor. https://www.vim.org/

