CS 373 Spring 2022: Saran Chockan Blog # 9

Saranjith Chockan
2 min readMar 28, 2022

1. What did you do this past week?

Last week, I went through a midterm for my Theory of Interest class. Other than that, I worked on populating databases for Software Engineering, starting on the Skeleton project for Computer Graphics, and doing weekly assignments and quizzes for Chemistry.

2. What’s in your way?

The Software Engineering Phase 2 is in my way. We got a decent amount of work done already but it is just a matter of finishing it up in the next two days. Also, I need to start writing code for the Skeleton Graphics project since it is the hardest project of the semester. Other than that, it will be weekly assignments and quizzes for Theory of Interest and Chemistry.

3. What will you do next week?

Next two days, I will be mostly working on finishing up Phase 2 of the Software Engineering project. Then, I will start putting a lot of hours into the Skeleton Graphics project.

4. What did you think of Paper #9: Dependency Inversion Principle?

I thought it was really cool, especially on how they explain dependency inversion through copy() module example. I had been put in a lot of situations where I had to write generic software to support different case scenarios and getting knowledge from this paper gave me confidence in my ability to write generic software.

5. What was your experience of decorators, Cache, and functions?

In my internship last summer, I used the @cache feature a lot in my Python code to cache REST API calls. Learning that they are implemented through decorators was the most mind blowing experience I have had in this class.

6. What made you happy this week?

Last weekend, I was able to visit Houston and hang out with my friends!

7. What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

Checkout BeautifulSoup — it is a really powerful python module for web scraping. https://beautiful-soup-4.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

